19 September 2009

Garden Soil Arrives

I finally decided it was time to get the garden soil, i rang around a few places and found a place close by that could deliver that day. I ordered half a cubic meter of loam soil and half a cubic meter of garden soil. This was far more then i needed, but they would not deliver unless i ordered a cubic meter.

In this photo you can see my landlord/good mate in the red shirt and another friend/house mate holding the shovel.

Next we filled the garden to about 60% Loam soil (which for those of you who don't know what this is, is just a very sandy soil, its basically sand.) and the rest with the organic garden soil. This created a nice drainage for the roots of the plants once they were in.

If you would like to look at all the photos in this album go here - Garden Soil Arrives Album

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