19 November 2010

November 2010 - Yet another month...

Another month has past and i figured it was time to add another update to blog, not that i think anyone really looks at this. Everything is growing like crazy, Spring time really is the best time to be growing a garden, definately the most rewarding time to watch it flourish.

Now i know this looks like a bunch of weeds, but what you're seeing here is the beginnings of the sunflower patch, what i only find out later is that a mate through some rock melon seeds in and it looks like they are taking off too.

As you can see the Shallots have come a long way in a month, also the carrots and green beans are growing well in the background. The sweet chilli is starting to come back to life, but the hot chilli looks like its had it. If you look right at the front you can see a new pea plant growing, this has sprouted from a pea that fell from the dying plant.

Here is a closer look at the green beans, carrots and sweet chilli.

The Aloe Vera is going quite well. Looking green and lush, ready for all those summer sun burns.

The herbs are really going strong, all bursting into flower.

All that from one small sprouted potato.

The view of all three garden beds.

View full album here - Garden in November