20 October 2010

October 2010 - It's been a while

Hello all. I have been very slack in the winter months. So here is an update to my garden. A fair bit has changed over the months, Spring is kicking into gear and i figured it was a good time to do some renovations on the second garden bed. As you can see from the pictures, the second garden bed has been completely re done, except for the chilli plants and Shallots, which took a very long time to come up. The first bed has some hardy herbs that survived the Winter quite well, also my mate Joel planted a potato that had sprouted in the cupboard. Joel also decided to use the part of the lawn that had the remaining soil on it and make it into another garden bed for sunflowers.

The Chives are Flowering!

My 4 Hardy Herbs, Parsley, Chives, Oregano and Thyme

The Peas did not fair very well.

The second garden bed, all ready for spring.

Joel preparing the Sunflower patch.

View full album here - Garden in October