04 February 2010

My First Harvest

Fianlly my first proper harvest, not much, but its still satisfying.

01 February 2010

The removal of the Sunflowers

I came to the conclusion it was time to start removing some of the plants to make room for new things. The first to go were the Sunflowers, as they were attacked by birds and pretty well destroyed already (make sure to cover your flowers when then get close to the seeding stage, as birds love those seeds). The corn was also removed from this garden.

These were the roots on the end of the Sunflowers, left quite a crater in the garden.

Quite long stems, i ended up reusing these as poles for holding up the bird net.

As you can see everything is growing like crazy. You may also notice that everything is far to close together, one lesson i have learnt is to give everything ample room now. Tomato and Basil is going well, the cucumber have just taken off, they are getting very close to giving me some veges. The Broccoli got attached by some kind of Caterpillar and the carrots are close to harvesting time.

Here we get a decent view of the second garden, it has better spaced corn and beans in it.
Full Album - Sunflower Removal & Garden Album