08 December 2010

Garden - Early December

The last month of the year has arrived and i find myself with a little more time on my hands. Here are some pics of the garden from the beginning of the month.

This is Joels little sunflower patch, growing really well.

Here are the Rockmelon vines coming along nicely.

The herbs are still growing like crazy!

The shallots are coming along nicely too.

View full album here - Garden - Beginning of December

19 November 2010

November 2010 - Yet another month...

Another month has past and i figured it was time to add another update to blog, not that i think anyone really looks at this. Everything is growing like crazy, Spring time really is the best time to be growing a garden, definately the most rewarding time to watch it flourish.

Now i know this looks like a bunch of weeds, but what you're seeing here is the beginnings of the sunflower patch, what i only find out later is that a mate through some rock melon seeds in and it looks like they are taking off too.

As you can see the Shallots have come a long way in a month, also the carrots and green beans are growing well in the background. The sweet chilli is starting to come back to life, but the hot chilli looks like its had it. If you look right at the front you can see a new pea plant growing, this has sprouted from a pea that fell from the dying plant.

Here is a closer look at the green beans, carrots and sweet chilli.

The Aloe Vera is going quite well. Looking green and lush, ready for all those summer sun burns.

The herbs are really going strong, all bursting into flower.

All that from one small sprouted potato.

The view of all three garden beds.

View full album here - Garden in November

20 October 2010

October 2010 - It's been a while

Hello all. I have been very slack in the winter months. So here is an update to my garden. A fair bit has changed over the months, Spring is kicking into gear and i figured it was a good time to do some renovations on the second garden bed. As you can see from the pictures, the second garden bed has been completely re done, except for the chilli plants and Shallots, which took a very long time to come up. The first bed has some hardy herbs that survived the Winter quite well, also my mate Joel planted a potato that had sprouted in the cupboard. Joel also decided to use the part of the lawn that had the remaining soil on it and make it into another garden bed for sunflowers.

The Chives are Flowering!

My 4 Hardy Herbs, Parsley, Chives, Oregano and Thyme

The Peas did not fair very well.

The second garden bed, all ready for spring.

Joel preparing the Sunflower patch.

View full album here - Garden in October

15 May 2010

May time in the Garden

It's been a month since last big update on the garden, The herbs are starting off slowly, probably because the weather is getting colder. But the Peas and Snow Peas are thriving.

The garden a month from last time, doesn't really look very different.

I placed some newspaper under the lettuce, so that when i went to pick it, its free of dirt.

Both gardens uncovered.

The peas are killing it!

View full album here - Garden in May

08 May 2010

The Pot Planting Begins

A while back i planted some flower seeds and a blueberry bush into pots, they seems to be going really well.

Blueberry bush and flowers, this was taken back on the 18th of April, but it fit better into this post.

Close up of one of the flowers.

Here are the flowers on the blueberry bush.

Full album here - May Flowers

18 April 2010

The Garden in April

Hello all, its been a while since i updated this blog, so here come another wave.

The garden has been through a fair bit of renovation since the last photos were added.
I removed pretty much everything from the first bed, no more carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers or broccoli. These have been replace by some very hardy herbs, Parsley, Thyme, Oregano, Chives and rosemary. Also planted some mint. In the second bed, the corn and beans have been removed and some peas and snow peas have been planted. Also the Chilli plants are still going strong. Here are some pics of the improved garden:

Here is the new garden

The chilli plants are going strong, looks like a decent harvest is coming.

Here are the peas and snow peas sprouting

View the full album - April Garden

04 February 2010

My First Harvest

Fianlly my first proper harvest, not much, but its still satisfying.

01 February 2010

The removal of the Sunflowers

I came to the conclusion it was time to start removing some of the plants to make room for new things. The first to go were the Sunflowers, as they were attacked by birds and pretty well destroyed already (make sure to cover your flowers when then get close to the seeding stage, as birds love those seeds). The corn was also removed from this garden.

These were the roots on the end of the Sunflowers, left quite a crater in the garden.

Quite long stems, i ended up reusing these as poles for holding up the bird net.

As you can see everything is growing like crazy. You may also notice that everything is far to close together, one lesson i have learnt is to give everything ample room now. Tomato and Basil is going well, the cucumber have just taken off, they are getting very close to giving me some veges. The Broccoli got attached by some kind of Caterpillar and the carrots are close to harvesting time.

Here we get a decent view of the second garden, it has better spaced corn and beans in it.
Full Album - Sunflower Removal & Garden Album

25 January 2010

Veges are growing

Finally its almost time to reap some rewards from my hard work.

Cucumber has totally taken over that half of the garden.

My first cucumber, it was very yummy and the ones that followed were equally as good.

Another one on the way.

My Broccoli before it all got eaten by the bugs.

The Habanero chili plant MD bought from Bunnings, this would be about a week after we planted it.

The Sweet Chili a week after we planted it.

The tomato is growing up.

My poor Beans.
See full album - Plants are growing album